March 2, 2023

In Total, Every Living Person In The World Would Make A Meatloaf That Is Only Three Eiffel Towers Wide

Have you ever wondered; how big the goo ball would be if you blended up all of the people on Earth? No? Well neither had I, but some fun mathematician decided to work that out.

If, by some unforeseen explanation, you put all the living people in the world into a really big blender, removed all the dirt, and decided to make a ball out of that human flesh, the result would be a gooey ball smaller than you. to think This... creative... reddit user kiwi2703 decided to do the math.

So the human density is 985 kilograms per cubic meter or kg/m3 (close to water which is 1000 kg/m3) and the average human body weight is about 62 kilograms. If you mix, you could probably cram 16 people into a cubic meter (but don't try to confirm that). So for the world's 7.88 billion people, they could be compressed into 96 million cubic meters. This ball would be less than one kilometer wide (about three Eiffel Towers) and could quite easily reach Central Park (New York). Here is the proof:


Compared to the number of people in the world, that's actually a very small ball, and it's crazy how most of the Earth has been changed so much to feed that ball of crap.

The world's population is growing every year. In the Reddit discussions, when asked how much this meatloaf is growing, u/IntoAMuteCrypt replied: "As a non-algebraic answer: The World Bank and various other sources list world population growth at 1.05% per year. around the diameter of the sphere to 1 km (remember it is 1 km wide, not 1 km in radius) to make the math easier and assume that the average human mass does not change During a year, the population is multiplied by 1.0105 so the volume changes by the same amount

The radius is proportional to the cube root of the volume, so it is multiplied by 1.0035 (rounded). Our sphere with a radius of 500 meters becomes a sphere with a radius of 501.7 39 meters - an increase of 1.7 39 meters in a year. Converted to seconds, this is just under 16 micrometers per second. Not much, huh?"