Jan. 31, 2023

Watch A Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Grab And Throw Like It's Nothing

The Atlas robots from Boston Dynamics are designed to have the same physical capabilities as humans.

They already have the ability to perform parkour and gymnastics, but more recent modifications have introduced new abilities that further resemble human abilities.

In 2021, we witnessed Atlas mastering a parkour course while it had short appendages for hands. The Boston Dynamics film featuring Today's Atlas, which was unveiled on Wednesday, features gripping moments and a sense of showmanship.


The video is a scene from a construction site featuring a person who has misplaced his tools while standing on a high platform. The worker requests that Atlas bring his tool bag. Building a bridge, the robot grabs the bag, jumps to a higher location, and swings the bag up to its boss with good humor. It then executes a dismount in the gymnastics manner.

Watch the video here:

The robot's ability to modify its environment and precisely toss a heavy object in order to fulfill a task is demonstrated in the movie, along with the pincher-style hand grippers. The process by which the robot perceives and manipulates objects is described in depth in a behind-the-scenes film.


Atlas has advanced considerably. Boston Dynamics utilizes Atlas as a test bed to try out technologies and new robotic skills, with an early version of the robot being described as "awful at karate" by a CNET writer less than ten years ago.

The AI-focused Tesla Optimus robot, which is considerably different from Atlas and another hotly debated humanoid robot, is another one. Also, it's still in the early stages of development, so don't anticipate any Atlas-Optimus battles very soon. Both devices demonstrate how humanity is making progress toward the sci-fi fantasy of having robots created in our likeness.